One of the first rules to getting anything done is to first SHOW UP. That’s not only physically showing up, but also mentally. You have to put everything aside to be there in both states. No iPhone, no TV, no lounging on that favorite comfy couch, you SHOW UP and ready to roll.
On Tuesday, I attended my first Apex Chamber of Commerce event called, “Success at Sunrise”. It was the first networking event of 2023 that took place at 8:30am at Mustang Charlie’s Restaurant. The event was sponsored by Crossroads Ford of Apex and Mustang Charlie’s is inside the dealership. When I arrived, the place was already hopping.
I’ve been attending many functions as our lives are trying to get back to normal (although, it will probably never be the old normal). One of the things I haven’t done in a long time is actually go to a networking event. I wanted to come to meet fellow Chamber members and did just that.
I remember those days during the Great Recession when I was unemployed and I would go to any networking event I could get to. I had one goal, to get a new job. I found that 97% of the people I met had no connection to advertising/marketing. The other 3%, might have a connection, but they really didn’t know me. If things worked out, you may get a coffee meeting. Most of the time, I was more frustrated than encouraged.
I later developed a better way to network to reach my specific goal. I would develop a list of people that I would really want to connect with, then find folks in my network who could make that connection. I called it, “Purposeful Networking,” since I had a specific purpose in mind. It is a little better than shotgun networking, but the inherent con is that it is purposeful for me, but not so much for the other party. What value do they receive?
So after years of networking and connecting, I went to Tuesday’s meeting with a different mindset. It’s something that comes out when I deliver my keynote speech, “Moving Forward” and that’s authenticity. Just be me and not want anything. I also want to deliver value to the folks I meet. I met quite a few people.
I met painters, real estate agents, exterminators, payroll specialists, auto dealers, safety professionals, academic tutors and Rotary Club members. I made a few connections that warranted a follow-up. I also asked what I could do for them and you know what, they told me! I did not have to come up with an expectation, they provided it to me.
When I was in advertising and in charge of millions of dollars of clients’ money, I was a popular guy. I had what they all wanted, and that was money. From there we did the dance of negotiations in the hope that we could all get what we wanted and needed. Now, without all those millions, I have my authentic self that wants to help and provide value. I’m starting to feel good about it. I must be, because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have SHOWN UP.
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