We spend a lot of time all year working on our goals and wants. Some we accomplish, some we don’t. For me and a lot of others, we tend to spend a little more time on those items we didn’t accomplish. We focus on where we fell short and how we can turn things around. We tend to have feelings of being unfulfilled and we follow those sentiments. When this happens, we need to change the narrative.

What we should do is spend time where it really needs to be spent. We should be grateful and excited about those things we have accomplished. Our focus should be on how much better our lives are because of the positive goals achieved and not on those not realized. 

So this Thanksgiving, focus on what you have and not on what you don’t. Focus on those relationships that enrich your life and not on the ones that bring you down. Focus on enriching the lives of others and not on being critical. Focus on being a giver and not a taker.

For lots of folks, these are some hard tasks and seem counterintuitive. But if you do this, your mindset will change. Your compass will point towards true north and you will follow a better path. Finding the right path is 80% of the battle. Be grateful and not ungrateful. David Thoreau said “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.”

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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